
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Whole Body Listening Mini Book

So this school year I have REALLY used the term "whole body listening" a LOT!  I have some very wiggly and off task kids that have needed constant redirection just to focus and pay attention in class.  I wrote this book to use in the fall with all that in mind.

You can find this book HERE at my TPT store.

Here are the words to the book:
When I am at school I use my whole body to listen.
My eyes are looking at the teacher.
My lips are zipped.
Sometimes my teacher says, "Shhh!"
I sit cross-cross applesauce on the rug with my hands in my lap.
At my table or desk my hands are quiet.
I keep my hands empty, so I can pay attention.
Sometimes my teacher says, "Criss-cross arms."
I have quiet feet and quiet hands so kids can listen to the teacher.
My brain is thinking about what the teacher says.
I ask a question when I don’t understand.
If I'm looking and my lips are zipped, I'm listening.
And if I'm listening, I'm learning!