
Monday, June 29, 2015

Manners in the Hallway Mini Book

Just finished a little book called "Manners in the Hallway".  It is another book in the series of books I plan to use this fall when we teach the PBIS expectations for all the different areas at school.

Text in this book:
Manners are important. Here are some good manners in the hallway.
I walk in a single file line and think of line basics. That is being safe.
To be respectful, I will keep my hands to myself and think of personal space.
That is using body basics.
I will keep to the right. That is being safe.
I will go right to where I need to go.  That is being responsible.
To be respectful I will keep my voice off. That is also using body basics.
I will remember to use walking feet. That is being safe and using body basics.
I will greet others with a friendly wave.  That is being respectful.
If I drop something on the floor I will pick it up. That is being responsible
and keeping the hallway clean.
Doing your best and making good choices in the hallway keeps
everyone happy!

You can find this book HERE at my TPT store.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Manners in the Restroom Mini-Book

Here's a new mini-book about manners called "Manners in the Restroom".  Use at back to school time to teach bathroom expectations for behavior.  I plan to use this at the beginning of the year when we do our lessons for PBIS.

Text in this book:
Manners are important. Here are some good manners in the restroom.
I will wait my turn to respect others’ privacy.
I show respect by using a quiet voice.
I show respect by respecting school property and leaving the lights on.
To be responsible I can flush the toilet when I’m done.
I will think 2 for pumps of soap, towels, and minutes. That is being responsible.
I wash my hands with soap and water to stay safe.
I can do my best by keeping the bathroom clean.
To be responsible I can report problems to the teacher.
Good manners and making good choices in the restroom keeps everyone happy!

You can find this HERE at my TPT store.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Manners in the Lunchroom Mini Book

Here's a mini book called Manners in the Lunchroom that can be used when you teach PBIS expectations about the lunchroom. A good read aloud book to use with this book is called "Manners in the Lunchroom" written by Amanda Doering Tourville and illustrated by Chris Lensch. 

Made for easy printing on the copy machine. Simply select double sided, sort, and staple. Cut in half and add additional staples if need.

Manners in the Lunchroom text:
Manners are important. Here are some good manners in the lunchroom.
I will wait quietly in a straight line to be responsible.
I say please and thank you to show good manners.
I use walking feet coming in and out to stay safe. I think of line basics.
I keep hands and feet to myself to stay safe. I think of body basics.
I eat my own food to stay safe.
I show respect by using a quiet voice and talk about nice things.
I show respect by listening to the teachers.
I can be responsible by cleaning up after myself when I am done eating.
I will raise my hand when I need something. That is being responsible.
To do my best I can try everything on my tray.
Good manners and making good choices in the lunchroom
keeps everyone happy!

You can find this book HERE at my TPT store.

Written by Carrie Hanson (Clip Art by Carrie Teaching First)
Illustrated by: Clip Art by Carrie, Edu-Clips, Creative Clips

Friday, June 19, 2015

B D P 9 Reversal Posters FREEBIE

Here's a freebie of a new poster set I made for my classroom.  Act these out by drawing the letters in the air, on the tables with their finger, in sand, dry erase markers, using Visual Phonics hand shapes, etc.

b:  First the bat.  Then the ball.
d:  First the doorknow.  The the door.
p:  First the pin. And then the pop!
9:  Make a hoop.  Then a line.  (That's the way to make a 9)

You can download the PDF of these poster set HERE at my TPT store.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Manners on the Playground Mini Book

I woke up with the world's WORST back to school dream this morning!  A long story short:  It was the first day of school, I'd had my classroom ready for weeks, I walked in the door and the kindergarten teachers had taken over our first grade classrooms!  We'd been transferred to kindergarten without being told.  I was left with an empty classroom with all my first grade stuff being kept hostage by the now new first grade teachers.  All the tables were removed from the kindergarten rooms and I was left with two tables, bare walls, and 17 desks.  Given no time to establish classroom rules, we were expected to go to a PBIS assembly.  My class had pockets full of toys and crayons and it was complete chaos! Talk about a major anxiety attack!

So I guess that led me to work on some back to school stuff I've had my mind on for a while. Here's my Manners on the Playground mini-book I'm going to use this fall when we teach about our PBIS expectations on the playground.  A good read aloud book to use with this book is called "Manners on the Playground" by Carrie Finn and Chris Lensch.

Text in this book:
Manners are important. Here are some good manners on the playground.
I can stay safe and play in the right place. Once I’m out, I stay out.
I will use things the right way to stay safe.
I use walking feet coming in and out to stay safe.
I can take turns, share, and be kind to show respect.
I wait my turn on the swings.  I take turns.
I share with others.  That shows respect to my friends.
I can be kind to others.  That means be NICE to show respect.
I will let others play with me. That is respect.
I show respect by listening to the teacher the first time.
I will be responsible and line up when the bells rings or the teacher blows the whistle.
I can be responsible and put things away when I am done with them.
Good manners and making good choices on the playground keeps everyone happy!

You can find this HERE at my TPT store.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Manners at School Mini Book

This last school year our school started using PBIS.  It's been a great way to teach consistent behaviors in our school.  We have always started first grade with a theme called "First Grade Work", which basically teaches our little people what its like in first grade.  Such a big change from kindergarten!

I wrote this book to go along with a book I use as a read aloud called "Manners at School" by Carrie Finn. "Manners at School" is read in my classroom at the beginning of the year (and even as a refresher when needed).

Text in this book:
Manners are important.  Here are some good manners at school.
I can be kind to others. That means be NICE.
I can look with my eyes and listen with my ears.
My lips are zipped when I listen. That shows respect.
I keep my hands to myself. That is my personal space.
I raise my hand before I talk. That shows respect to the teacher.
I share with others. That shows respect to my friends.
I wait my turn on the swings. I take turns.
I say, “Please.” I say, “Thank you.”
I cover my mouth when I cough.  No one wants my germs!
I clean up when the teacher says.
Good manners at school keeps everyone happy!

*****Printable Mini-Book:  You can find this printable mini book HERE at my TPT store.

*****1 page digital file now available.*****
I have also formatted this book in 1 page layout view so that you can view this book in any PDF viewing app on your tablet, iPad, PC or Mac.  You can find this file HERE at my TPT store.