
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Continents and Oceans Mini Book

Thes last few months of school are my favorite months!  Space and Planets, Continents and Oceans, Weather and the World Around Us, and Animal Habitats.  Lots of fun themes to cover.  I've been writing a few mini-books to go along with our themes that I am hoping my firsties will enjoy and be able to read independently.

I just finished a Continents and Oceans mini-book that includes one fact about each of the continents and the oceans.  I included picture clues to help with the text.

Here are the words to the story:
There are 7 continents in the world.
North America is made of three countries.
There are a lot of rain forests in South America.
There are many small countries in Europe.
Asia is the biggest continent.
Africa is by Europe and Asia.
Australia is called the "Land Down Under".
Antarctica is at the South Pole.
The 5 oceans are between the continents.
The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean.
The Atlantic Ocean is between North America and Europe.
The Southern Ocean is around Antarctica.
The Arctic Ocean is by the North Pole.
The Indian Ocean is the warmest ocean.

You can purchase this book HERE at my TPT store.  I would LOVE your feedback!  Thanks for stopping in to read my blog!

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