
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fact Family Match-Ups

I tried hard all day to not think blogging or creating or anything to do with making and creating, but couldn't help it.  When an idea comes to me, I have to get started on it!  Here's a new creation that I think our first graders will love.  This will work great in a "may do" center or during math calendar in the Fact Family pocket chart we have.

The object of the activity is to find and match the 3 cards:
  1. part-part-total card with 3 numbers in fact family
  2. addition number models (shows the turn around facts)
  3. subtraction number models
I color coded the different sums so that if this stays together into one activity, the kids could easily sort the cards...and if it goes into smaller packets and one card gets misplaced, it will be easy to figure out which set it goes with.  Here is a picture of the activity:

If you are interested in previewing or purchasing this activity you can find it HERE.  Hope this is something that might fit into your math curriculum.  Thanks for stopping by!

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