
Monday, January 14, 2013

Visual Bathroom Schedule FREEBIE

For those of you who have young students in your classroom that need a visual reminder to use the bathroom during scheduled times during the day, here's something I made on Friday that I started using today with one of my students.  Keeping my fingers crossed, but this worked great today!  Hoping its something that we can use for a while and discontinue, but if not...hope its something that will continue to keep him on track.
  • Simply print the two sheets that have the picture of the playground and laminate them.  Attach each to a clip board and mount Velcro to the green, yellow, and red squares.
  • Cut out the toilet pictures (or use pictures of your student), laminate and mount Velcro to the back side. 
  • Place one clip board at the students desk and the other by the classroom bathroom door.  Before going outside for recess they need to take the bathroom picture to the chart that hangs on the bathroom door.
  • If they need a bathroom break before getting on the bus to go home, simply have them take all the toilets and bring them to the chart at their spot and they’ll be ready for the next day.
You can find this FREEBIE at our TPT store HERE.
Hope this is something that you can use...there is always something like this that comes up that you need to make.  So I hope that its something that saves you a little time.

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