
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Clouds Doodles

Woke up this morning thinking about an upcoming unit and decided to whip up this clip art set, since we're off until next Tuesday for Easter Vacation.  I'm not sure what I want to do differently this year during our weather unit, but I'd like to talk a little bit about the different type of clouds and what kind of weather they bring...? 

Clouds Doodles digital clip art set includes 10 types of clouds in BW and full-color filtered images:


Where you can find this set:
My TPT store HERE
My TN store HERE

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Continents Mini Books Set: 7 Emergent Readers

We are just starting our of study of the Earth and learning about the continents and oceans. To beef up this unit, I created some easy to read mini books to use with my first graders. One of the activities we have our 1st graders do after hearing about, listening to stories, and watching short video clips about each of the continents is write three facts they can remember about each continent in their Continent and Oceans journal packet. I wanted something for them to refer back to that they could read independently.

You can purchase this set of beginning/easy readers HERE at my TPT store.  Continue reading below to see the words to each book.  Picutures on each page should help the reader figure out the words to the text.

Blue Scribble Background used in thumbnail comes from Graphics From the Pond.

North America:
This is where North America is in the world.
North America is made of three countries.
The Mississippi River is the longest river.
There are mountains in North America. The Rocky Mountains are the biggest mountains.
There are deserts in North America. The Grand Canyon is a place many people visit.
There are grasslands in North America. People raise animals and grow crops there.
There are ponds and lakes in North America.
There is the cold Arctic in North America.
There are forests in NorthnAmerica.

South America:
This is where South America is in the world.
South America is mostly below the equator.
The Pacific Ocean is on one side and the Atlantic Ocean is on the other.
It is wide at the top and skinny at the bottom.
The Amazon River flows across South America. It goes into the Atlantic Ocean.
Many animals live in the rain forest.
Cowboys raise cows in the grassland.
There are mountains and a tall waterfall in South America.

This is where Africa is in the world.
Europe is above Africa and Asia is beside it.
The Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean touch Africa.
The equator cuts through the middle.
The longest river in the world is the Nile River.
The Sahara Desert is the biggest desert in the world.
Many kinds of animals live in the grasslands.

This is where Europe is in the world.
Europe is above Africa and Asia is beside it.
The Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean touch Europe.
There are many small countries in Europe.
There are old castles in Europe.
There are mountains and forests in Europe.
Some parts are very cold and some parts are very hot.

This is where Asia is in the world.
It is the biggest continent in in the world.
Asia is by Europe and above Australia.
The Arctic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Ocean touch Asia.
There are tall mountains and big forests in Asia.
Some parts are very cold and some parts are very hot.
Some parts of Asia have rain forests.

This is where Australia is in the world.
Australia is below Asia. It is an island continent.
The Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean touch Australia.
Australia is called the "Land Down Under" because it is below the equator.
Some parts of Australia have rain forests where it is warm and wet.
There are deserts in Australia where it is hot and dry.
Farmers raise sheep and cattle in the grassland. Kangaroos live there.

This is where Antarctica is in the world.
Antarctica is at the South Pole.
The Southern Ocean is around Antarctica.
It is always cold in Antarctica. It is too cold for people to live there.
There are icebergs around Antarctica. They are big chunks of floating ice.
Penguins live on Antarctica. Whales swim in the ocean.
In the winter it is dark most of the time.
In the summer it is light most of the time.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Earth Day Doodles w/FREEBIE Recycle Symbol

Just finished my Earth Day Doodles set.  I feel like I haven't drawn anything for a while.  Been busy making things for my classroom, I guess, as well as reading and just being busy. 

This clip art set includes several different Earth Day themed clips:

girl holding earth
boy holding earth
hands holding earth
fingertips holding earth
I (heart) Earth
recycle symbol with earth
earth in a heart
earth with face
earth with bow
kids standing on the world

Where to purchase:
Clip Art by Carrie at Teachers Pay Teachers HERE
Clip Art by Carrie on Teacher's Notebook HERE

And for those of you who are faithful in stopping in to my blog to check out what I put on here, here is your freebie for Earth Day:

Saturday, March 23, 2013

United States of America Mini Book

This is an emergent/easy reader about the United States of America:

This is North America. The United States is one of the countries in North America.
The United States is made of 50 states.
This is the United States flag. It is red, white, and blue.
The eagle is a symbol of the United States.
This is the Statue of Liberty. It is in New York City.
This is the Liberty Bell. It stands for freedom.
George Washington was the first president.
Abe Lincoln was the 16th president.
The president lives in the White House.
There are fireworks on the 4th of July to celebrate the birthday of the United States.

Written and Illustrated by:
Carrie Hanson
Clip Art by Carrie Teaching First

You can purchase this mini-book at my TPT store HERE.

If you like the clip art used in this set, it is also available for sale at my TPT store HERE. (United States Doodles includes BW and full-color PNG images)

Farm Theme Cut Apart Sentences

Just updated and created some new farm themed cut apart sentences to use for next year.

Sentences included in this set:
A farmer grows corn and beans in the field.
The farmer has a lot of chores to do.
Milk comes from a cow.
A chick hatches from an egg.
Ham comes from a pig.
Watch out for tractors and combines!
The combine picks the crops from the field.
Don’t play in a grain wagon!
A farmer grows vegetables in the garden.
Farm animals sleep in the barn.
The rooster wakes you up in the morning.
Farmers bail the hay to feed the farm animals.
You can purchase this set HERE at my TPT store.
I would love your feedback!  Thanks for stopping in to my blog!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Continents and Oceans Mini Book

Thes last few months of school are my favorite months!  Space and Planets, Continents and Oceans, Weather and the World Around Us, and Animal Habitats.  Lots of fun themes to cover.  I've been writing a few mini-books to go along with our themes that I am hoping my firsties will enjoy and be able to read independently.

I just finished a Continents and Oceans mini-book that includes one fact about each of the continents and the oceans.  I included picture clues to help with the text.

Here are the words to the story:
There are 7 continents in the world.
North America is made of three countries.
There are a lot of rain forests in South America.
There are many small countries in Europe.
Asia is the biggest continent.
Africa is by Europe and Asia.
Australia is called the "Land Down Under".
Antarctica is at the South Pole.
The 5 oceans are between the continents.
The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean.
The Atlantic Ocean is between North America and Europe.
The Southern Ocean is around Antarctica.
The Arctic Ocean is by the North Pole.
The Indian Ocean is the warmest ocean.

You can purchase this book HERE at my TPT store.  I would LOVE your feedback!  Thanks for stopping in to read my blog!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Planets Mini Books: 9 Emergent Readers

This week we start our Space and Planets theme.  After planning out our first week, I decided I wanted to write some easy readers for my first graders about each of the planets.  Thankful for a snow day today so that I could complete them.  We plan to do a read-aloud for each of the planets and have students write a fact or two about each of the planets in their Planets Fact book.  I wanted to add one more piece to this by having the students do some reading after we have done the read aloud with them at the carpet, but before we have them write the facts in their own words.  I tried to include as many picture clues as I could using my clip art illustrations that would help students as they read independently or in partners.  We will see how it goes this year. 

Another new piece is a mimio file that one of my co-workers put together where we can type some facts for a visual as we discuss the characteristics of each planet.  She included some neat photographs of each planet, and then I added a planets fact generator sheet that we could use to review some key points by filling in the blanks.  I included a word bank to choose from. 

You can find this set of readers HERE at my TPT store.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Celebrating Seuss Day 6-7

This week has been INSANE!  Late start Monday, no school on Tuesday, and Wacky Wednesday yesterday.  Monday our Seussy stuff was pretty low-key, as we had to get in the important math and reading stuff before I attempted Seuss.  I got in reading the book "Green Eggs and Ham" during theme and a related cut-apart sentence.  And in predicting we wouldn't have school on Tuesday I prepped them for Wacky Wednesday!

Here is the "Green Eggs and Ham" themed cut-apart sentence:

Wednesday was a day of catch-up because of Tuesday's snow day, so my schedule was super  mixed up.  We ended up doing a rhyming pocket chart activity that I found somewhere on the internet last year.  After listening to the story in Monday we talked about how Dr. Seuss liked to rhyme when he wrote his books. I did this pocket chart activity with the group as they sat on the carpet.

I asked for volunteers to come up and put the words in order and then use the pointer to read aloud the part they put together in the pocket chart. Next I had them come up with their own rhyming pairs using this activity:

Since Wednesday was Wacky Wednesday of course there were a few things in the room that ended up being quite wacky. I did have to discuss the difference between wacky and wild a few times throughout the day. Here are a few of the wacky things the kids saw or did on Wacky Wednesday:

Here is a the upside down umbrella hanging from the ceiling:

Here is a sock on the wall

We had a visit from the Cat in the Hat who sat at our computer center with bananas hanging all over our room:

I was running out of ideas for wackiness so I put an iron in our hand in basket:

Our favorite wacky thing for the day was our wacky snack: Banana Dogs! I was pretty amazed myself with how yummy they were. (Hot dog bun, peanut butter on both sides, a banana, jelly and sprinkles to decorate the tops). I cut each one in half and it was the perfect amount for our little tummies.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Space and Planets Songs

It's Friday night and I'm sitting under the covers in my PJs with the laptop on my lap writing songs about the planets!  Sounds fun to you, doesn't it?  I think my husband thinks I'm a little looney because he just came in here asking what the H#CK I was doing.  I asked him if he wanted to help me come up with the lyrics, but he said, "Nope, I'll leave that up to you!"

Well, I just finished up this 9 poster set of songs for all the planets.  Last spring my co-teachers and I came up with some songs for the different habitats while we were at a the Beginning Reading Conference in Cedar Falls, IA, and our students just LOVED singing them.  I wanted something like it for our Space and Planets unit.

You can purchase this set at my TPT store HERE.

Space and Planets Mini Book

I created this mini book today after I got to thinking how soon our Space and Planets unit is coming.  One more week of Dr. Seuss and then we have a two week study of space and the planets.  We purchased a ton of read aloud books for our unit last year, but don't really have any books that the whole class can do as a shared read or for a guided reading group.

There are 9 planets.
The 9 planets orbit the sun.
The sun is the center
Mercury is closest to the sun.
Venus is the hottest planet.
Earth is the only planet with animals.
Mars is called the red planet.
Jupiter has a giant red spot. It is a storm.
Saturn's rings are made of rock and ice.
Uranus spins around on its side.
Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun.
Pluto is a dwarf planet.
Astronomers use a telescope to study the stars and planets.
A constellation is a group of stars that make a shape.
An astronaut wears a special suit to keep him safe in space.
If you already have my Space and Planets Cut Apart sentences, this is a great book to go along with it!

You can find this mini-book HERE at my TPT store.

Celebrating Seuss Day 4 and 5

Thursday we finished up our Sneetches writing response from Wednesday and displayed them in the hallway.  They turned out really cute!  My co-teachers did this activity and had the kids add a head and hair to it so it looked like themselves.

During theme I read aloud my FAVORITE Dr. Seuss book:  Daisy Head Mayzie to the class today and watched the cartoon.  I told the kids the story about how this book was discovered after he had passed, but it was published anyway.  They really enjoyed watching the cartoon!  When I was reading the book I told them that I like to read it using the voices from the cartoon.  This afternoon, during Guided Reading the firsties did a cut apart sentence in honor of Mayzie.

On Friday, we made headbands to wear to lunch to celebrate his birthday.  One of the choices I gave my class was in honor of Mayzie!  I used the daisy that I drew and added a little label to the back that says the name of the book and taped a straw to the back of the daisy so that it wouldn't droop.  Of course, all the girls decided on this one!

Another option I gave to give the kids was to make a Cat in the Hat headband.  I used the hat that I drew, taped a straw to the back of the hat so it wouldn't fall over, and added the name of the book.  And the boys all decided on this one!
To celebrate his special birthday we had a special Thing One and Thing Two snack of strawberry jello cups with blue Cool Whip on the top.  We made these cute little labels to stick to the outside of the jello cup.  Here's a picture of the finished product:
I read a Seuss book during any down time.  We are making a list of all the books we have read throughout the Dr. Seuss theme.  We ended the day doing a cut-apart sentence in honor of his birthday, which was a little bit easier than the other birthday celebration in honor of Seuss.