
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Celebrating Seuss Day 6-7

This week has been INSANE!  Late start Monday, no school on Tuesday, and Wacky Wednesday yesterday.  Monday our Seussy stuff was pretty low-key, as we had to get in the important math and reading stuff before I attempted Seuss.  I got in reading the book "Green Eggs and Ham" during theme and a related cut-apart sentence.  And in predicting we wouldn't have school on Tuesday I prepped them for Wacky Wednesday!

Here is the "Green Eggs and Ham" themed cut-apart sentence:

Wednesday was a day of catch-up because of Tuesday's snow day, so my schedule was super  mixed up.  We ended up doing a rhyming pocket chart activity that I found somewhere on the internet last year.  After listening to the story in Monday we talked about how Dr. Seuss liked to rhyme when he wrote his books. I did this pocket chart activity with the group as they sat on the carpet.

I asked for volunteers to come up and put the words in order and then use the pointer to read aloud the part they put together in the pocket chart. Next I had them come up with their own rhyming pairs using this activity:

Since Wednesday was Wacky Wednesday of course there were a few things in the room that ended up being quite wacky. I did have to discuss the difference between wacky and wild a few times throughout the day. Here are a few of the wacky things the kids saw or did on Wacky Wednesday:

Here is a the upside down umbrella hanging from the ceiling:

Here is a sock on the wall

We had a visit from the Cat in the Hat who sat at our computer center with bananas hanging all over our room:

I was running out of ideas for wackiness so I put an iron in our hand in basket:

Our favorite wacky thing for the day was our wacky snack: Banana Dogs! I was pretty amazed myself with how yummy they were. (Hot dog bun, peanut butter on both sides, a banana, jelly and sprinkles to decorate the tops). I cut each one in half and it was the perfect amount for our little tummies.

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