
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Spring and Summer Cut Apart Sentences

Finally got motivated during the time I have been home on recovery from surgery to finally do something school related.  This week I finally feel more like myself and feel like getting back into the swing of things.  I go back to work on Thursday, which gives me 1 1/2 days left with my first graders.  Yesterday, I created these cut-aparts that can be used in the spring or summer or during summer school.

Sentences included in this set:

You can make a sand castle at the beach.
Bring buckets and shovels to the beach.
It’s fun to go on a hike in the woods!
Baseball is a fun game to play in the summer.
It’s time to plant your garden in the spring.
Bees like to buzz around the flowers in the garden.
Plants need air, water, and sunlight to grow.
Have a BBQ with your friends and family.
Don’t spend all summer playing video games.
Hang your clothes out on the clothes line to dry.
Let’s go tubing down the river!
Go outside and look for bugs and put them in a jar.
Take a trip to the zoo with your family.
Go fishing with your mom or dad.
Go on vacation with your family to Disney World.
Run through the sprinkler on a hot day.

 You can purchase this set HERE at my TPT store.

Clip Art used in this set:

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