
Monday, January 27, 2014

Healthy Habits What I Learned booklet

After teaching about healthy habits and what you need to do to take care of your body, have your students write facts they remember. Use as a responsive writing after teaching a topic or an end of the unit assessment book. Picture labels will help your young students as they write.

Photo copy on transparencies and have students generate facts as a whole group or display on your optima or in a smart board file.

Included pages:
  • Flossing Your Teeth
  • Brushing Your Teeth
  • Visiting the Dentist
  • Visiting the Doctor
  • Taking Care of Your Body
  • Keeping Clean
  • Exercise Your Body
  • Eat Good Foods
You can find this HERE at my TPT store.

Check out my products I have in my TPT store that go along with the Healthy Habits theme:

(part of “Snowman, Winter, MLK King pack)

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