Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rhythm and Rhyme Interactive Writing

The week we celebrate Dr. Seuss we do an interactive class writing where students use rhythm and rhyme to help write a class book just like Dr. Suess did in his books.  Ideas are generated on chart paper, and as a class the students come up with rhyming pairs that follow a rhythm.  After the words are written, the teacher "publishes" the book by adding clip art images (  Each student gets a copy of the book to take home and read to their parents.  Here is a sample of the book Carrie's class came up with this week called, "See Ya Later, Alligators!"  You can get a free download of this book here:

You can get a free copy of this at Google Docs HERE.


  1. This is adorable! I am so excited to have found y'alls is so cute AND full of wonderful ideas! WAHOO for me for finding this treasure!

    Thank you for sharing your amazing creativity with us! =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. Zahvaljujemo se vam za izmenjavo informacij. Resnično cenim vaša prizadevanja in čakam na vaše naslednje pisanje ups


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