I noticed someone on the TPT site requested space vocabulary cards and thought, "I could probably whip some of those up." We do already have some word wall cards in our classroom that we found on the K-3 Teachers Resources site, but our school is switching reading/language arts series and PROBABLY going away from D'Nealian. So making new ones would probably be good anyway.
Our students LOVE using the word wall pocket chart during their writing. It helps give them "ideas" to write about and gives them a chance to SEE new words. Our hope is that it will increase their reading vocabulary. We noticed this year on our Gates word decoding tests, that words that we included on our word wall pocket chart for theme, student got right! (Example: During our Weather theme we had the word card for "lightning" and as a whole students actually got that question correct more than they have in the past.) So if the focus is on vocabulary to increase comprehension, making these little word wall cards is way worth it! And I love doing it anyway...
You can purchase this at our TPT store HERE. The Space Doodles clip art used to created these word wall cards is also available for purchase:
Clip Art by Carrie on Teacher's Notebook: HERE (immediate download)
Clip Art by Carrie on Etsy: HERE (zip file emailed to you by Carrie)
Clip Art by Carrie at our TPT store: HERE (immediate download)
We would love your feedback...and let us know if you have any requests!
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