Great for a unit on Clouds or Weather. Goes great with an activity where you can make clouds with cotton balls: "I looked up in the sky and thought I saw a ____, but it was just a cloud." Here is a mini-book that students could read first to think of and draw up an idea of what they will create with the "cloud" cotton balls.
Words included in this book:
The words of the book go like this:
I see clouds up in the sky.
Some clouds bring rain.
Some clouds bring storms.
Some clouds make tornados.
But some clouds make pictures of things I see up in the sky.
Like yummy popcorn, I'd like to try!
What do you see?
Here is a thumbnail of the mini-book I put together tonight.
(It doesn't show the cover page or the last page where students get to draw their own picture)
Updated file: May 2015 new clip art used and a different border. (Clouds Doodles by Clip Art by Carrie and FREE Popcorn Clip Art Bundle by Educlips)
Old version:
You can purchase this book at our TPT HERE.
I'd appreciate your feedback!
Clip Art and Border: old version
The cute little squiggly border came from Graphics From the Pond. Check out her blog HERE.
The rest of the clip art from the book came from public domain clip art sources:
www.openclipart.org, www.wpclipart.com, and www.clker.com.
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