So next week we continue our study of the world around us by talking about Weather. Since its such a short week, we will mainly talk about the different types of weather they have around where we live. Then go into different types of weather around the world and connect that to the continents and oceans study we did the past two weeks. In the past we've gotten in depth on hurricanes, tornaoes, thunderstorms...and it seemed to scare the first graders a little bit, so we are going to tone it down a little bit. We will do a few pocket chart poems about clouds, weather, and some literature response activities.
One of the activities we will be doing is a retelling/creative writing activity after reading/listening to the book "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs". Students will get to create their own version of the book by adding the missing facts from the retell and also add their own twist to the book by deciding what kind of food falls from the sky and what will happen in the town of Chew-and-Swallow. There are 11 pages total to the booklet that students will write and illustrate.
Here is a thumbnail of the activity that I put together today:
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