This week we pulled out an old favorite and revamped it a bit. Seems like after so many years, you look at something you've made and want to make it look "cleaner" or use different clip art or a cuter font. In between parent teacher conferences this week, I tackled that project. There is a set for Short Vowels, Bossy R vowels, Digraphs, and Long Vowel sounds. These games are sold separately or as a combo pack. You can look at a preview of these at our TPT store. Click on the links below...
Short Vowel Tic Tac Toe: HERE (A, E, I, O, U)
Bossy R Tic Tac Toe: HERE. (AR, OR, ER, IR, UR, EAR)
Digraphs Tic Tac Toe: HERE (SH, TH, WH, CH)
Long Vowels Tic Tac Toe: HERE
(AI, AY, A-E, EE, E-E, EA, -Y, I-E, IGH, -Y, O-E, OA, OO, OO, OW, OW, U-E, EW)
You can purchase these four games as a combo HERE at our TPT store:
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