Monday, December 8, 2014

Las Posadas and Diwali Vocabulary Books

Just finished putting together two vocabulary books to use with our Holidays Around the World unit in December.  Last year I created Hanukkah and Kwanzaa and this year we added Diwali and Las Posadas to the unit.

All About Diwali words:
India, Diwali, pray, lamps, bonfires, fireworks, luck

All About Las Posadas words:
Las Posadas, Mexico, poinsettia, Mary, Joseph, piñata, hot chocolate, midnight

You can find this HERE at my TPT store.

They books go right along with these other Las Posadas and Diwali items I have put together:

  • Las Posadas and Diwali Word Wall Cards
  • Las Posadas and Diwali Mini Books
  • Las Posadas and Diwali Riddles

Friday, November 28, 2014

Turkey Disguises Doodles

Last year just before doing our annual Turkey Disguises activity I whipped up some clip art for turkey clothing stencils to use with my first graders.  I printed, cut out and laminated the clothing pieces for them to use for stencils as they "disguise" their turkeys.  It helped them add their turkey costumes with construction paper.  I used them again this year. (Wasn't exactly what I wanted, but it was something better than what we've done in the past.)

But then one day this week, I was without my mimio (AHHHH!) and couldn't do what I had planned (we were playing a Roll-A-Dice Draw a Turkey game), so I had the kids do a step by step on how to draw a turkey on the white board with them doing the same on their white boards.  Well, that was SOOOOO much fun for my class.  They loved it.  They learned about adding details and how to fit the parts together.  Great!

Here's a picture of the turkey I drew with my first graders on the white board:

Well....That led to me drawing it on my iPad that night, which also led me to revamping my turkey clothing clip art.  So I guess I will have a bit more pieces for next years Turkey Disguises activity.

You can find this Turkey Disguises Doodles HERE at my TPT store.  Or HERE at my Teacher's Notebook shop.

Turkey Disguises Doodles clip art set includes Line Art, BW, and Color PNG images.

Turkey with Tail Feathers
Turkey with no Tail Feathers
FB TShirt
FB Pants
FB Helmet
BB Cap
Cheer TShirt
Cheer Skirt
Tennis Shoes
Pom Poms
Pink Flower Dress
Pink Tennies Shoes
Brown Wig
Blong Wig
Black and Gray Top Hat

These outline images to use as stencils for dressing up your turkey:
Wig Stencil
Shoes Stencil
Top Hat Stencil
BB Cap Stencil
Shirt Stencil
Pants Stencil
Dress Stencil
Helmet Stencil

There is also an additional outline turkey not included in the preview, as well as pants, shirt, and shoes that match and fit with that turkey.

Additional Turkey Images included in this file:  

All images may be used for person, classroom, or commercial use, but need to be flattened in your product (PDF or JPG).  A simple credit back to me is all that's needed:  

Clip Art by Carrie
or a link to my TPT or TN store

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Las Posadas and Diwali Riddles

Thanksgiving 2014 unit...done.  On to Holiday Traditions Around the World starting next week. Last year we did Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas.  This year we are adding Las Posadas and Diwali as well as Christmas in Australia, England, France, and a few other countries.

I created these Las Posadas and Diwali Riddles cards to use.  My first graders love them, they are a GREAT review, and its a super activity for listening and participating in a game.

There are riddles for:

  • Las Posadas
  • poinssettia
  • Mary and Joseph
  • pinata
  • singing and celebrating
  • midnight (going to midnight service)
  • Mexico
  • Diwali
  • praying
  • fireworks
  • clay lamps
  • gold jewelry
  • India
  • 5 (5 days of Diwali)

You can find them HERE at my TPT store.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Holidays Around the World Review Packet

Here is something I whipped up tonight while watching TV--A Holidays Around the World Review Packet.

Holidays Writing Retell Sheets
3 options available:

  • Students write sentences to match the pictures (2nd and above)
  • Students write the missing holiday name in the shape box font. (1st grade)
  • Student traces the holiday name within the sentence. (Kindergarten)

Holiday Around the World Fact Cards: BW and Color Options

  • Print, laminate, and cut out to use as pocket chart cards or review for learning facts about each holiday.
  • Use the black and white version to create a mini-book.

Holiday Around the World Word Wall Cards:

  • Print, laminate, cut and place in your word wall or hang on bulletin board.

You can find this HERE at my TPT store.

Clip Art Sources:
Clip Art by Carrie
Melonheadz Illustrating

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Las Posadas and Diwali Word Wall Cards

Getting stuff put together for little additions to a unit takes a lot of prep...but so much fun!  Sometimes I think we add to our own stress by updating, adding, and changing things to make it better.  But I guess that's being reflective and always trying to do better, right?

Here's a word wall card set for Las Posadas and Diwali that you can use with your little people.  Most of the clip art is from EduClips, one of my new favorite clip artists found on Teachers Pay Teachers.  Lots of cool sets that work great for making items for your classroom.  The page border that I used for the preview is from another one of my favorites:  Creative Clips by Krista Wallden.  These two ladies are SO talented.

Words included in this set are:

clay lamp
candle tray

Las Posadas
Mexican boy
Mexican girl

Ideas for using these cards:
  • Hang them in a pocket chart to introduce vocabulary during your study of Las Posadas and Diwali.
  • Display them to help student think of ideas around Las Posadas and Diwali
  • Let students use these word wall cards to correct their spelling after they've tried spelling these words on their own.  They can easily pull them from the pocket chart and take them to their seats.

You can find this HERE at my TPT store.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Holidays Around the World Mini Book Bundle

Just put together a Holidays Around the World Mini Book bundle that includes:

If you'd like to see the exact words in these books you can look at each item's description in my TPT store.  Or click on the links to take you to my blog post for each of the books where you can see the words to each book.

You can find this HERE at my TPT store.
You can find this HERE at my TN shop.

SAVE by buying all these book in the bundle!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Holiday Traditions Around the World Mini Book

Great book to use as an introduction to a few of the Holidays Around the World.

You can find this book HERE at my TPT store.  Scroll down to see the words and content included in this 22 page mini book.

Holiday Traditions Around the World Mini Book

There are many holidays around the world. 
This book is about Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Diwali,
Christmas, and Las Posadas.

Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday in December.
It is called the festival of lights. 
Children get a small gift each night.
A candle is lit on the menorah each night. 
The middle candle on the menorah is called a shamash. 
It is the helper candle.
Children play with a toy called a dreidel.
Jewish chocolate candy coins are called gelt.
Jewish people eat latkes. They are a potato pancake.
They eat sufganiyah or jelly-filled donuts.

Kwanzaa is an African holiday in December that lasts for 7 days.
It is a harvest festival to celebrate African culture.
The colors of Kwanzaa are red, black, and green.
The flag is called a bendera.
A kinara is a special candle holder for Kwanzaa.
One ear of corn is placed on the mat for each child.
People drink from the unity cup to remember their ancestors.
They say, “Let’s pull together.”
The fruits and vegetables remind people
of the food that people in Africa ate.
Children get homemade gifts on the last day of Kwanzaa.

Christmas is a holiday celebrated in December
by many people all over the world.
People decorate a tree with ornaments.
They put gifts under the tree.
A Christmas wreath is put on your house
to decorate your front door.
The elves help Santa fill his sleigh with toys.
Rudolph and the reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh through the sky.
Santa brings presents for children
and fills their stockings on Christmas Eve.
On Christmas morning, people open presents from each other.

Diwali is India’s biggest holiday of the year.
It is celebrated in October or November each year.
Diwali started as a harvest festival
that marked the last harvest before winter.
People would celebrate and pray for success in the new year.
People in India get together with family.
They light clay lamps, light fireworks, hang lights,
and have bonfires to worship Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.
There are 5 days of Diwali.
On day 1 people buy gold and silver for good luck.
On day 2 people decorate their homes.
On day 3 people pray, eat, and light fireworks.
On day 4 people visit family and friends and give gifts.
On day 5 brothers visit married sisters
to show how much they love them.

Las Posadas is a Mexican holiday in December that lasts for 9 days.
People in Mexico decorate their home with the poinsettia.
Each night children dress up like an angel,
a shepherd, and Mary and Joseph.
People carry candles as they walk
down the street to the party. They sing songs.
Then they have a feast, break a piñata,
play games, and drink hot chocolate.
On the last day of Las Posadas,
families go to church at midnight.

Written by Carrie Hanson
Clip Art by Carrie Teaching First

Check out my mini-books for each of these holidays:

What is Hanukkah? What is Kwanzaa?
What is Diwali?
What is Christmas?
What is Las Posadas?

What is Christmas? Mini-Book

This year we plan on adding a few different holidays to our Holidays Around the World theme in December.  Last year we added Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, this year Diwali and Las Posadas.  I created a mini-book for each of those holidays so wanted one for Christmas as well.  Here is my "What is Christmas?" Mini-Book:
  • Christmas is a holiday celebrated in December by many people all over the world.
  • People decorate a tree with ornaments.  They put gifts under the tree.
  • A wreath hangs on your door to decorate for Christmas.
  • People go shopping or make ornaments for the ones they love.  They wrap the gifts in paper and put a bow on top.
  • Santa lives at the North Pole with Mrs. Claus. The elves help Santa make toys for children all over the world.
  • The elves help Santa fill his sleigh with toys for Christmas Eve.
  • Some families go to church on Christmas Eve.
  • The reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh in the night sky.
  • People make cookies at Christmas. They leave them out on Christmas Eve for Santa to eat.
  • Santa puts presents under the Christmas tree while everyone is sleeping. He fills your stocking with goodies.
  • On Christmas morning, people open gifts from each other.

You can find this mini book HERE at my TPT store:

Written and Illustrated by:
Carrie Hanson
Clip Art by Carrie Teaching First

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Las Posadas Cut Apart Sentences

Sentences included in this set:

  • Las Posadas is a holiday celebrated in Mexico.
  • People decorate their homes with poinsettias.
  • People carry candles down the street.
  • It is a time to sing songs and celebrate.
  • They break a piñata and drink hot chocolate.
  • Families go to church at midnight on the last day.

Illustrations by:
Clip Art by Carrie, EduClips, Graphics From the Pond

You can find this HERE at my TPT store:

Monday, November 10, 2014

Las Posadas Mini Book

This is a kid-friendly book about the Mexican holiday called Las Posadas:

  • Las Posadas is a Mexican holiday in December that last for 9 days.
  • People in Mexico decorate their home with the poinsettia
  • It is a flower with bright red leaves.
  • Las Posadas lasts from December 16 to Christmas Eve.
  • Each night a children dress up like an angel, a shepherd, and Mary and Joseph.
  • People carry candles as they walk down the street to the party.
  • A different family has the party each night.  People sing songs and celebrate.
  • Then they have a feast, break a piñata, play games, and drink hot chocolate.
  • People break the piñata to wish for happiness, food, and the well-being of others.
  • On the last day of Las Posadas, families go to church at midnight.

You can find this mini book HERE at my TPT store.

Written by: Carrie Hanson
Clip Art by Carrie
Images: cactus, notes, thought bubble, table, lamp, couch, chair, jar, DECEMBER 16-24, Christmas candle w/holder, hot chocolate, moon, cross

Creative Clips by Krista Wallden
Image: smiley face

Images: Las Posadas characters (Mexican boy/girl, Mary, Joseph, nativity, donkey, pinatas, poinsettia, candle)

Graphics From the Pond
Images: scribble background

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cross Doodles FREEBIE

Well, I've decided that its hard to sit and listen without doodling, so today during the sermon at church, I was doing just that.  I got to thinking that it would be fun to have some clip art to create things for Sunday School.  Not that I have time to do that, but I always thought that would be fun.  These are drawn in my "sketchy" style, so the lines aren't going to be perfect.

Here's a FREEBIE of my Cross Doodles set that I created on my iPhone.

You can find it HERE at my TPT store.
You can find it HERE at my TN shop.

Diwali Cut Apart Sentences

Well, I had a list of a few TO-Do things this weekend, but didn't complete what I SHOULD have...only found a few extras to do.  We decided to add a few ideas to our Winter Holidays Around the World unit and came up with these cut-apart sentences this weekend.  The facts within these sentences are also included in my "What is Diwali?" mini book.

Sentences included in this set:

· Diwali is a holiday celebrated in India.
· People pray for good luck in the new year.
· There are fireworks and people light lamps and have bonfires.
· People decorate their homes and visit family.
· Diwali is a festival celebrated at the end of harvest.
· Diwali is celebrated in October and November each year.

Clip are used:  Clip Art by Carrie, EduClips

You can find this HERE at my TPT store.

"What Is Diwali?" Mini-Book

Last year we added Hanukkah and Kwanzaa to our Holiday unit to beef it up a little bit.  We wanted to add a little more this year, so I decided to do a little research and write this short mini-book about Diwali.  This mini-book tells the basics of the Diwali holiday.

"What is Diwali?" Mini-Book:

  • Diwali is India's biggest holiday of the year.
  • Diwali is celebrated in October or November each year.
  • Diwali started as a harvest festival to mark the last harvest before winter.
  • People celebrate and pray for success in the new year.
  • People in India get together with family.
  • They light clay lamps and fireworks, and have bonfires to worship the goddess of wealth.
  • These are 5 days of Diwali.
  • On day 1 people buy gold and silver for good luck.
  • On day 2 people decorate their homes.
  • On day 3 people pray, eat, and light fireworks.
  • On day 4 people visit family and friends and give gifts.
  • On day 5 brothers visit married sisters to show how much they love them.

Clip Art Sources:
Clip Art by Carrie, Melonheadz Illustrating, EduClips

You can find this HERE at my TPT store.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Thanksgiving Story I Have Who Has

Oh my, has it been a while since I've felt creative.  I have had a BUSY first quarter of school and finally have a day off because of conferences this week.  Leave it to me to use it as a "catch-up" day for school stuff and ideas that need to be put into motion!

We just started our Thanksgiving theme this week and I realized we didn't have a I HAVE WHO HAS for this theme.  The kids LOVE these games, and I thought this one would be good to make because it can be used to retell the story from England to Thanksgiving today.

You can find this HERE at my TPT store.

And on another note:  I have reached 1000 followers at my TPT store!  Wow!  I never thought that would happen.  As a big thank you for following my blog, Pinterest, Facebook, TN, and TPT, the first 5 people who comment with their email below will get this for FREE.  Let's see how many people actually check out my blog...this will be interesting!  If you aren't one of the first 5 people, thanks for stopping by anyway!

I'm also throwing a 20% off sale to celebrate this milestone at my TPT store.  Get everything 20% of Sunday, November 9th thru Wednesday, November 12th.

And Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Cooking Doodles 2 and FREEBIE Can Opener image

Just finished a new clip art set at the request of a buyer.  Took me a few weeks to do because I only had patience to do one or two images at a time...because its summer, I'm running the kids all over creation, and its HAAARRRDDDD to sit still and do nothing when the weather is nice!  But I love drawing, so it was good to be motivated again! 

These 23 images are included in this set: (line art, BW, and full-color PNG of all images)

glass measuring cup, measuring cup set, measuring spoon set, bread knife, paring knife, blender, immersion/handheld blender, stand mixer, shredder/grater, loaf pan, fluted/bundt cake pan, rubber scraper, pie plate, hand help can opener, melon baller, veggie peeler, slotted spoon, sifter, kitchen shears, food scale, kitchen thermometer, 9x13 baking pan, custard cup

Anyway, check it out:
HERE at my TPT store
HERE at my TN shop

And to my followers and anyone who happens across my blog, here's a freebie!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Habitats Review Packet

We just finished our unit on Animal Habitats.  We did this review packet the last week of the unit to review.  It can be used as an assessment for the end of your study of Habitats OR throughout the unit as you teach about the habitats.  Included are some differentiated pages that focus on 1 or 2 important facts about each of the different habitats...we used the fill in the word in the shape boxes page.

Habitat Facts Writing Sheets:  3 options available:
· Students write sentences to match the pictures (2nd and up)
· Students write the missing habitat name in the shape box font. (1st)
· Student traces the habitat name within the sentence. (Kindergarten)

There are also Habitat fact cards that tell one important fact about each of the habitats:

Habitats Fact Cards:  
· Print, laminate, and cut out to use as pocket chart cards or review for learning 1 facts about each continent or ocean.
· Use the black and white version to create a mini-book.

You can purchase this pack HERE at my TPT store.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Continents and Oceans Songs

Well, as always I end up creating something to go along with a unit and don't finish it until the unit is done and I guess I will have these songs for next year!  Finished these "Continents and Oceans" themed song posters on a Friday night sitting in the living room with my family.  They all thought I was pretty goofy dictating (talk to text) and singing into my iPad.

There is a song for each continent and ocean, and follow a catchy tune (I'm a Little Teapot, Home on the Range, Scooby Doo, Flinstones, If You're Happy and You Know It, The Wheels on the Bus, etc.) to help teach a few key details about each of the places on planet earth.

You can find this song set HERE at my TPT store.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Earth Day Mini Book

I decided to create an Earth Day Mini-Book to use with my first graders.  They really enjoy being able to read the books that I've written and LOVE to reread and color the pictures during their free time.  I wrote the words to this story during school one day as I was listening to my student teacher teach a lesson.  I knew she'd be taking over full-time the Earth Day week, and we didn't have a lot of "good" materials for the kids to "read".  Not that I'm saying this is "good" material, but I tailored it to what I know that my students should be able to read independently.  I guess by "good", I mean letting my students feel successful in reading!

The clip art illustrations I used in this book include text labels to help direct the readers to the words they may need help with.

Here are the words to the story, "How Can I Help Earth":
  • We should help keep planet Earth clean.
  • Don't litter on the ground.  Put garbage in the trash or recycle bin.
  • Recycle instead of sending so much to the landfill.
  • Turn the water off when you are done.
  • Take a quick shower instead of a bath.
  • Turn the lights off when you don't need them on.
  • Walk or take the bus instead of driving.
  • Plant a tree to help our Earth.
  • We hold the world in our hands.

You can find this mini-book HERE at my TPT store.

Clip Art sources:

Monday, April 7, 2014

New Habitats Vocabulary Book

Got busy this afternoon after school and decided to create a new version of  the Habitats Vocabulary book we use during our Habitats study.  I wanted this vocabulary book to look similar to the mini books, "what I learned" journals, and cut-apart sentences that I use during this unit.  There is a page for each of the habitats we learn about in first grade: desert, forest, mountain, grassland, arctic, antarctic, wetlands, ocean and rain forest.  I have really liked having the vocabulary words within the text using my "Shape Box Spelling Patterns" font.  This gives my firsties a clue as to which word belongs in the sentence.  I also included the habitat name as a label on the picture of each habitat.

If you are interested in this vocabulary/coloring book click HERE.  You can purchase it at my TPT store.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Oceans Mini Book Set (5 Emergent/Early Readers)

This mini book set consists of 5 different books:  1 book for each of the oceans.  Each page has picture labels and pictures that help early readers figure out unknown words.  These work great for your study of the continents and oceans and gives facts that students can write about later!  Check out the text below so you know exactly what is in each of the books.

You can find this Oceans Mini Book set HERE at my TPT store.
You can find this Oceans Mini Book set HERE at my TN shop.

As a great companion to this set, check out my Continents and Oceans Mini Book set of 7 books HERE at my TPT store.  Or HERE at my TN shop.

Atlantic Ocean:
The 5 oceans are between the continents.
It is the 2nd biggest ocean.
The Atlantic Ocean is between North American and Europe.
The equator divides the North Atlantic and the South Atlantic.
It was the first ocean to be crossed by ship.
The Gulf Stream carries warm water from the Gulf of Mexico to Europe.
Icebergs from the Arctic Ocean float into the North Atlantic.

Pacific Ocean:
The 5 oceans are between the 7 continents.
The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean.
It covers almost one-third of the Earth.
It is bigger than all of the continents put together.
It is between Asia and Australia and North America and South America.
The Pacific Ocean is the deepest ocean.
The islands of Hawaii are in the Pacific.  They are in the middle of the Ring of Fire.
The Great Barrier Reef is in the Pacific.  It is off the coast of Australia.

Southern Ocean
The 5 oceans are between the 7 continents.
The Southern Ocean goes around Antarctica.
It is about two times the size of the United States.
It is very cold in the Southern Ocean.
Penguins live on Antarctica and swim in the Southern Ocean.
In the winter over half of the Southern Ocean is covered in ice and icebergs.
The Southern Ocean used to be called the Antarctic Ocean.

Arctic Ocean:
The 5 oceans are between the 7 continents.
The Arctic Ocean is by the North Pole at the top of the Earth.
It is the smallest ocean in the world.
In the winter almost all of it is covered in ice and icebergs.
Polar bears live and swim in the Arctic Ocean..
The walrus swims in the Arctic Ocean.
The ice is melting all the time.  The walrus will not have a place to rest.

Indian Ocean:
The 5 oceans are between the 7 continents.
The Indian Ocean is the third biggest ocean.
The Indian Ocean is the warmest ocean.
The Indian Ocean is by the equator.
It is between Africa and Australia.
The Indian Ocean is "land locked" because it has land along three sides.
Ships carry oil through the Indian Ocean from the Middle East to all parts of the world.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Space and Planets Review Packet

We will be finishing up our Space and Planets theme this week after taking time to learn many different facts about each planet.  Friday of this week, students will be making their own solar system mural.  They have to put the planets in order and place the fact next to each planet on the mural.  They have lots of fun with it.
To help get ready for this, I created this Space and Planets Review Packet:

You can find this HERE at my TPT store.

Space and Planets Writing Retell Sheets, 3 options available:

  • Students write sentences to match the pictures
  • Students write the missing planet name in the shape box font.--Student traces the planet name within the sentence.

Planets Fact Cards: BW and Color Options

  • Print, laminate, and cut out to use as pocket chart cards or review for learning 1 fact about each planet.
  • Use the black and white version to create a mini-book.

Label the Vocabulary Word:

  • Students match the picture with the word from the word wall.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dr Seuss Cut-Aparts Complete Set FREEBIE

I had an earlier post about some of the Dr. Seuss things that I did in my classroom and posted some JPGs of a few of the cut-apart sentences I had made for the two week Dr. Seuss theme that we do.  Decided to just upload the whole set and share with everyone.  There are 9 scrambled sentences to choose from:

  • March 2nd is the day we celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss.  (This one was kind of hard for my class, but after a few times saying it in "silly" voices, which I called my silly Dr. Seuss voices, they were able to put it back together no problem!)
  • March 2nd is Dr. Seuss day.
  • The silly cat wore a red and white hat. (Cat in the Hat)
  • Plant a seed to show you care about the earth. (The Lorax)
  • You should treat everyone the same. (The Sneetches)
  • Some are red and some are blue. (One Fish, Two Fish)
  • Daisy Head Mayzie had a flower grow out of her hair.  (Daisy Head Mayzie)--2 options for pictures
  • Do you like green eggs and ham?  (Green Eggs and Ham)
Click HERE to download the whole set from Google Drive.  All clip art used to create these sentences were drawn by me.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Shape Box Letters: DNealian Type

Well, I've had this font created for some time, but I kind of forgot about it since we don't use DNealian anymore.  Thought I'd at least put it out there for those that still do use DNealian.

You can purchase this font:
Clip Art by Carrie TPT store HERE
Clip Art by Carrie TN store HERE

Continents and Oceans Review Packet

Our Continents and Oceans theme is coming up and I decided to get creative again.  I thought we had enough stuff to go along with our theme, but when you LOVE to create...its hard to stop making!  And there are so many people that have purchased my continents/oceans stuff, so I know there's a demand for them...the ideas just keep blooming!  It's also nice to pick and choose each year what to use and what not to use.  I hate it when things get redundant.

I wanted something to use as an end of unit assessment. 1 fact from each continent and ocean is highlighted upon, giving your young learners something to remember for each continent and ocean.  The retelling sheets have three options available to make it developmentally appropriate for the ages and abilities of your students.

Continents and Oceans Writing Retell Sheets
3 options available:
--Students write sentences to match the pictures
--Students write the missing continent or ocean name in the shape box font.
--Student traces the continent or ocean name within the sentence.

Continents and Oceans Fact Cards: BW and Color Options
--Print, laminate, and cut out to use as pocket chart cards or review for learning 1 facts about each continent or ocean.
-Use the black and white version to create a mini-book.

Check out these other activities I have created that go along with the Continents and Oceans theme in my TPT store:  Click HERE to take you to all my Continents and Oceans themed activities I have at my TPT store.

  • Continents and Oceans I Have Who Has
  • Continents and Oceans Vocabulary Book
  • Continents and Oceans: What I Learned
  • Continents and Oceans Cut Apart Sentences
  • Continents and Oceans Journal Pages
  • Continents and Oceans Mini-Book Set
  • Continents and Oceans Mini Book
  • My World Word Wall Cards
  • My World Doodles Digital Clip Art (Clip art by Carrie)

You can find this Continents and Oceans Review Packet HERE at my TPT store.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Name the Dr. Seuss Books FREEBIE

Since Dr. Seuss' birthday is coming up this weekend, here's a quick little FREEBIE I made to use during "must-do" time during Guided Reading.  I even sent one of these pages home as homework with my firsties.  If you'd like a copy of this 2-page FREEBIE, click HERE.

All clip art used in this freebie was created by Clip Art by Carrie.

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