Hard to believe that 2012 is coming to an end. Just made this Happy New Year party hat as a request from my co-worker Christine for something she's working on and wanted to pass along this FREEBIE to you! Just right click on the image and click on "save as". Haven't decided if this is going to be a new clip art set, but I'm envisioning tons and tons of party hats in all colors and designs. For now, here's what got me started...
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Winter and Snow Riddles

January always sneaks up right after Christmas vacation, and you're right back into the swing of things and going strong until spring/winter break. We've been trying to update some activities and add some new things to our snow theme this year. Just finished this Winter and Snow Riddles activity. Our first graders are loving these activities. We have a few more themes to make them for so keep checking back: Healthy Habits, Post Office Riddles, Dr. Seuss Riddles.
You can find Winter and Snow Riddles HERE at our TPT store.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Roll, Label, and Read the Snowman FREEBIE

Looking at my pile of things to file away after school today and realized I made this last week and forgot all about it...so thought I'd write up this post and share it all with you!
This Roll, Label, and Read the Snowman activity we plan to do the week we come back from Christmas vacation when we do our snow theme. It is very similar to a freebie we found on Pinterest from Sara Cooley at her TPT store: Roll and Color a Pilgrim. The kids loved it so much we though we should make some to go with our Winter/Snow theme.
Included in the packet are 3 games:
- Roll and Color a Snowman: Students roll two dice and add the two numbers togehter, then color the sum by finding it on the snowman and coloring that part.
- Roll and Label the Snowman: And another where they roll one die and label the parts of the snowman by using the chart that has a part of the snowman by it.
- Listen, Read, and Color the Snowman: Teacher reads aloud a word and students find that word on the snowman and color it.
The kids at school today said that Santa needs some snow to get his sleigh off the ground. So hopefully by Christmas Eve we'll have a little snow on the ground so he can get up, UP, and AWAY to deliver his presents!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Hands and Feet Doodles with FREEBIE Hand & Foot

Don't ask me why I'm thinking about hands and feet during the month of December. Shouldn't I be thinking about Christmas shopping and baking Christmas cookies? Nope. I sit under the blanket at night on the couch in my PJs watching TV and doodle. I'm also coming down from a reading marathon from this weekend where I couldn't put my iPad down. It was time to get back into my other obsession. I decided to finish up something that I had started a while back, and it led to putting this set together. We've randomly needed different colored hands for different projects we've had in 1st grade, so making hands and feet with all the colors seemed like a great project to have complete. Then decided I wanted some realistic looking hands and feet, too.
This personal and commercial clip art set includes BW and full-color PNG images of hand and feet outlines in all colors as well as detailed hands and feet in skin colors as BW.
Where you can find this clip art set:
Carrie's Teacher's Notebook store HERE
C & C Teach First TPT store HERE
Here's a freebie of the hand outline:
I would love your feedback!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Santa Skip Counting and Santa Poem FREEBIE
Can you believe its less than 3 weeks until Christmas? We are well into our Christmas theme and just finished one of our biggest projects yet: The Holiday Cookbook. They are sent off to the AEA for publishing and we are now awaiting a return so we can wrap them up as gifts for mom and dad. This week we also did 2 other Christmas gift projects: Reindeer Handprint Ornaments and a special Christmas Ornament telling their mom or dad why they are so special.
Santa Skip Counting:
Here is a Santa Skip Couning activity that is similar to the Pumpkin and Turkey Skip Counting activities we posted about earlier. We added a skip counting by 25s to make this one a bit more challenging. We'll soon be introducing the quarter and skip counting by 25s is very helpful when counting money.
You can find this activity HERE at our TPT store.

Santa Skip Counting:
Here is a Santa Skip Couning activity that is similar to the Pumpkin and Turkey Skip Counting activities we posted about earlier. We added a skip counting by 25s to make this one a bit more challenging. We'll soon be introducing the quarter and skip counting by 25s is very helpful when counting money.
You can find this activity HERE at our TPT store.

Santa Poem FREEBIE:
Here is a link to a Santa Pocket Chart Poem with a file folder retelling for you for FREE! One of the ways we want to say Merry Christmas and thanks for being our followers. You can download it HERE through Google. Large version is for the pocket chart and the smaller version and the poem page are to make a file folder retelling of the poem. (Glue the poem onto the front of the file folder, cut out and laminate the small pieces, and attach with velcro to have an independent work station where students retell or re-read the poem and self-check to see if they got it in the right order.)
Clip Art used to make the Santa poem is from DJ Inkers.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012
How to Build a Snowman Activitiy Set

We're planning ahead to January's Winter and Snow theme and decided to add this How to Build a Snowman activity this year. Last year we created some parts of a snowman pocket chart cards to aid us in doing an interactive class sequence writing of how to build a snowman. We've revamped it a little bit from last year to include a sequence writing sheet that has picture clues and Build a Snowman pieces.
- Display the pocket chart cards in your word wall or showcase in your pocket chart for students to sequence the steps of how to build a snowman.
- Use the poster of the snowman as a display when you do the sequence writing or when you want your students to build the snowman as a center using the Build a Snowman pieces.
- Use the sequence writing she as a writing project to do individually or display in your Smartboard or Mimio to do as a class interactive writing.
- Use the Build a Snowman pieces as you do the sequence writing to add to the snowman. Put magnets on the back of the pieces and connect to a cookie sheet or your magnetic white board.
You can find this activity pack at our TPT store HERE.
Clip art in this activity comes from Carrie's Snowtime Doodles collection.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
All Things Christmas Vocabulary Book

Just finished our new vocabulary book called "All Things Christmas", which tells about all things Christmas related things. It is very similar to our Thanksgiving Vocabulary Book, which focuses on the story of the first Thanksgiving. Focus words for this story include:
tree, star, candy cane, wreath, stocking, gifts, bow, Santa, sleigh, reindeer, presents
Students will be using our theme related word wall to help them fill in the missing words. (Check out our Christmas and Winter Word Wall Cards that go along with this book.) We plan to read aloud as a shared read with our class, either showing this on the optima first or having the students follow along with their fingers as we read aloud to them. Or possibly show in the optima and use the mimio to write in the missing words. Then when we are done the students write the missing focus word by using the word wall and paying attention to the picture clues in the store and context clues they heard during the shared read.
This activity will probably be a whole class activity for 1st grader for the reading part, as they would need instructional support, but could be independent for second graders.
For the past few years we've done a book called "Santa Claus" that we got the words from somewhere in cyberspace. It really didn't focus on as many Christmas words that we wanted to it to, so that's why we revamped it for this year. We plan on offering the old one as a FREEBIE on here soon. We just need to upload our JPEG images into a PDF file. So check back soon, as we'll have that available for free download through Google Drive/Docs.
You can find this vocabulary book HERE at our TPT store.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
"I'm a Little Reindeer" Animated Movie FREEBIE

Our students this year are really "in" to the Optima and multi media presentations, so we have been creating little animated Power Point slideshows and a few "movies" if you want to call them that. Just finished a little animated version of one of our favorite poems we do with our first graders: I'm a Little Reindeer.
I'm a little reindeer
ready to fly.
I'll pull Santa's sleigh
up in the sky.
Christmas is here.
We can't be late!
All the little children
just cannot wait.
You can download this freebie HERE at our TPT store. Here's the preview of the movie you can watch here. Quality is much better if you download from the TPT store. Hope you like it. We can't wait to do this next week with the kids!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
How To Make a Pumpkin Pie Writing FREEBIE

Wow! Thanksgiving break is here. YAY!!!!! But where did November go? What a jam-packed month. So many fun activities and not enough time to do it all. Well, we say good-bye to our Thanksgiving theme and move on to our North Pole-Christmas theme that starts next week. One of the biggest projects we do is our Holiday Cookbook as a gift to our parents. Students get to write a recipe in their own words on how they think their favorite food is made. Each year is scares the you-know-what out of us as we start modeling the activity and have the kids think of the step by step process of making something. It's like pulling teeth out or pulling your hair out stressful, but when its done, its amazingly cool. And then you have this sense of accomplishment and think, "Oh, yeah. It wasn't THAT bad."
This year I we tried to prep our kids a little bit during our Pumpkins theme by doing a "How to Carve a Pumpkin" writing. You can pick up that FREEBIE at our TPT store HERE. We modeled this with the whole class and then had the kids do it on their own. It gave a pretty good picture of who is going to need the most in-depth help during the cookbook writing.
During our Thanksgiving theme, we came up with a "How to Make a Pumpkin Pie" writing activity. Since there were SO many Thanksgiving activities to do in Novemer we didn't actually have the kids do the writing on their own for this one, but just did a class writing on the Mimio. The students used the pictures to help them think about the steps for making a homemade pumpkin pie. After we finished the class writing on the Mimio one of my students asked if we could find a video of someone making a pumpkin pie...so I jumped on that opportunity. What a great way to check and see how accurate we were at writing the steps (since I've never in my life made a homemade pumpkin pie). As we watched the video, I would pause every so often for students to check back and see if we were right. They thought this was pretty neat.
So...next week when we start the dreaded Holiday Cookbook, I am hoping my students are a little big more prepared....and that I'm not pulling my hair out.
Grab your FREEBIE "How to Make a Pumpkin Pie" writing activity HERE at our TPT store. We would love your feedback. Thanks for stopping into our blog...and hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Shape Box Spelling Patterns Font

How can I express how EXCITED I am about this font. I think only those teachers who teach systematic sequential phonics will be the ones who will "get it". I have wanted to create this font for YEARS! I created the Shape Boxes fonts a month or so ago and was pretty excited to have that done because it did the job, but I really wasn't happy with that. It wasn't exactly what I wanted. I REALLY wanted the dotted lines between the spelling patterns.
Years ago, Christine and I came up with a way to help segment words with an activity called Rainbow Words (our own version). We want students to be able to chunk the words apart using the different spelling patterns and types of syllables. We color code the spelling patterns and types of syllable to match our Phonics Wall that we have at the back of the room. It is divided into: Bossy-Rs (yellow), Vowels and Vowel Teams (green), Short Vowel Markers (red), Blends and Digraphs (blue), and Other Sounds/Spelling Patterns (purple). You can print off our Phonics Posters HERE for free through Google Docs. Students write the word in the shape boxes using this new font shapes, then trace the boxes with the different colors to match the phonics wall sections. The different colors give students a visual when they are trying to decode the word.
This font requires you to follow the key that is included to create the different multiple letter combinations. The regular alphabet letters would just use the regular letter keys (just like in the Shape Boxes Font we have for sale).
Where you can get this font:
Carrie's TN store HERE
C & C Teach First TPT store HERE
I would LOVE your feedback and appreciate credit for this font. It took me a long time to create and make it work!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Ultimate Winter Holiday Doodles Collection

With the holiday and winter right around the corner, I thought I'd compile my four "winter" and "holiday" clip art sets into a collection called "Ultimate Winter Holiday Doodles". This collection includes: Christmas Doodles, Holiday Doodles, Gingerbread Doodles, and Snowtime Doodles. There are 168 images in full-color and BW included. Buy this set and SAVE! You can check out each individual set and pick up a freebie from each set by clicking on the "Clip Art by Carrie" tab on the top of our blog page. This will give you links to all my clip art.
Where you can buy this collection:
Carrie's TN clip art store HERE
Carrie & Christine's TPT store HERE
Thanks for stopping in to our blog!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Holiday Doodles and FREEBIE Ornaments

This Holiday Doodles digital clip art collection includes these BW and full-color PNG images:
round ornaments in BW and 5 colors
skinny oval ornaments in BW and 5 colors
light blubs in BW and 5 colors
bow in BW and 5 colors
bell in BW, silver, and gold
tree topper star in BW and color
angel in BW and color
mistle tow in BW and color
present with ribbon in BW and color
polka dot present in BW and color
wreath in BW and color
Christmas candle in BW and color
Where you can find this set:
Carrie's TN Clip Art shop HERE
Our TPT store HERE
Here's you FREEBIES for stopping into our blog: Please make sure to follow my TOU, which are included at the bottom of our blog page. I would love to see things created with my art, so be sure to give me a show back so I can see what you've all created.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Gingerbread Doodles with FREEBIE Cookie Cut Outs

Gingerbread Doodles clip art set includes:
2 gingerbread girls, 2 gingerbread boys, 2 gingerbread Christmas ornaments, 2 gingerbread mugs, gingergread house, gingerbread cookie boy, gingerbread cookie girl, cookie sheet with gingerbread cookies on it, fox, candy cane
I know the fox may seem a little weird to put in with this set, but when I think of the gingerbread man or the story Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett, I think of the fox who eats him. :) If you want some of the farm animals and farmer to go with this set, you can check out my Farm Doodles set.
Where you can find this set:
Carrie's TN clip art store HERE
C & C Teach First's TPT store HERE
Sorry for mulitple posts in a day, but its easier to keep things organized this way.
Here's a freebie of the cookie cut-outs in black and white: See Terms of Use below for using in your items for sale or for freebies given at your blog, TPT or TN.
Ruffle Borders with FREEBIE

Just finished another borders set. I've been playing around with some of the filters in my Art Studio app and came up with these colorful Ruffle Borders. You can never have enough borders and frames...I know I get sick of using the same ones over and over again. There are 24 images total. Be sure to scroll down and pick up the freebies of the black and white borders.
Where you can find this set:
Carrie's TN Clip Art gallery HERE
C & C Teach First TPT store HERE
FREEBIE Ruffle Borders in BW: As with all images, please refer to my Terms of Use at the bottom of the blog page.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Thanksgiving Skip Counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s

Our first graders REALLY liked the Pumpkin Skip Counting activities we made this year to use for our Pumpkin theme, so Christine thought we should create some Thanksgiving ones, too. Skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s seems to be one of the main goals in first grade Everyday Math. Counting by 5s and 10s helps children later when they are learning and practicing counting coins.
Here is the Thanksgiving Skip Counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s activity. You can find it HERE at our TPT store. Let us know what you think. Maybe for Christmas we can make Help Santa Deliver the Presents skip counting??!!
Clip Art included in this activity by Clip Art by Carrie and KPM Doodles.
Christmas and Winter Word Wall Cards

Always looking ahead to the next theme as you are teaching the current one. Does anyone feel like that's how teaching goes? Here are the Christmas and Winter Word Wall Cards that we will use in our theme Word Wall Pocket Chart this year.
This set includes word wall cards for these words:
Santa, Mrs. Claus, elf, star, gingerbread man, gingergread woman, gingerbread girl, gingerbread boy, gingerbread house, gingerbread cookies, reindeer, Rudolph, Christmas tree, stocking, ornament, candy cane, sleigh, mug, hot chocolate, toy sack, snowflake, present, snow drift, snowman, stocking hat, mittens, boots, scarf, snowball, sled, shovel, ice skates, snowboard, button, carrot, sticks, top hat, pine tree, iPad, iPod, teddy bear, train, doll, candy, letter, beard, holly
You can find this word wall card set at our TPT store HERE. We would LOVE your feedback.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Cooking Doodles with FREEBIE Plate

Christine and I are thinking ahead to what clip art we will need in the next month or so and thought that cooking utensils might be a good idea, since we'll be doing our annual Holiday Cookbook. The kids will be writing their own recipe of their favorite food. We've learned after doing this for over 10+ years that kids need more and more visuals to help them write step by step projects.
The Cooking Doodles set includes these BW and full-color PNG images:
spoon (metal and wooden), fork, butter knife, sharp knife, whisk, spatula, ladle, rolling pin, measuring spoon, measuring cup, collander, bowl, fry pan, oven mitt, muffin tin, plate, cooking pot, tongs, cookie sheet, casserole dish, cake pan, mixer
Where you can grab this set:
Carrie's Clip Art shop on Teacher's Notebook HERE
Christine and Carrie's TPT store HERE
Here is your freebie: Just remember to follow the terms of use included at the bottom of the blog page. I would love your feedback!
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